I decided to go down a different route today for my wishlist as i feel i need to vent to you all. Ever since the sun appeared through the rotten English clouds all i've wanted to do is go on holiday! But no, not venture out of the UK, all i wanted to do is go to Brighton! I've never been to Brighton before but it just seems soooo pretty. Hearing stories about the beach, pier and even the lanes just makes my feet tingle and want to jump on a train right away! However there is only one issue- cost. When researching prices, journey routes, hotels, train tickets ect, i discovered it wouldn't be as easy as i thought. I live in the north East and Brighton is right down at the bottom! I soon realized it would cost over £1000 just for train tickets for me and three friends, not including hotel costs, devastated was an understatement!!!

If anyone knows of anyway, websites, routes ect i can try to take to reduce the cost of my journey i would be SUPER grateful and would love you forever!
Where do you want to explore this summer?
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